
Book Contents

Section Editors



ShaderX5 - Advanced Rendering Techniques

Aick in der Au
Aick is a CS student at the Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany. He works at Phenomic Game Development, where he is responsible for getting the render core to work with multiple threads. While fighting with spin locks, sync points, job chains and other threading issues, he enjoys having the fastest SMP machine in the office. Other interests include procedural generated graphics and demoscene related things.

Alexander Ehrath
Alex started programming on a TI-99/4a 25 years ago. Always fascinated by techonology, he taught himself machine language at age 14 on the Commodore 64 and got his start in the game industry professionally 8 years later. He then picked up 3D programming as video game consoles became more powerful. Alex is currently senior programmer at a top game development firm in the San Diego area.

Ali Botorabi
Ali is a researcher in a German automotive company. He works at a department  with focus on Software / Methods and Tools. He has a strong preference for development of entertaining multimedia applications, and leads the Open-Source project Yag2002 at SourceForge.

Andrew Griffiths
Andrew loves to create things, and if its graphics related all the better!  It started in Durban, South Africa at the age of eight when an excentric headmaster started teaching his students BASIC programming on the C64.  From this moment he spent much of his time with computers trying to make them do ‘neat’ magical un-computerlike things.  In 1993 he fell off his chair when he saw a demoscene demo for the first time.  This sparked a career goal change from actor to programmer.  Since then he’s been heavily involved in the demo scene, attending and create demos, graphics, music, photos and videos as many demo competitions as he can make time for.  For the last 6 years Andrew has been programming in the games industry in the UK.  He now works as a lead programmer at Deep Red Games and has fond memories of his days at Awesome Developments.

Aurelio Reis
As a young child Aurelio dreamed of fantastical new worlds and the endless possibilities for adventure within them. As a game developer, he's been able to turn his dreams into reality. Aurelio has been making games for a number of years now and is currently employed as a Software Engineer at Firaxis Games specializing on graphics and engine technologies.

Barnabás Aszódi
Barnabás Aszódi is a Ph.D. student in computer graphics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He works on multimedia systems and GPU algorithms aiming at photo-realistic real- time rendering.

Benjamín Hernández
Benjamín Hernández received the B.S. degree in computer systems engineering from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, in 2001 and the M.S. degree  in computer science from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM-CEM) in 2004. He is currently a PhD student and Research Assistant at ITESM-CEM. His research interests are in virtual humans modeling, animation and rendering; GPGPU applications and virtual environments.

Carlos Augusto Dietrich
Carlos Augusto Dietrich received the BS degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, and the MS degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. His research interests include graphics, visualization, and the use of GPUs as general purpose processors. He is currently a second-year PhD student working in the Computer Graphics Group at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Carsten Dachsbacher 
Carsten Dachsbacher is a Ph.D. student in computer graphics at theUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. His research focuses on interactive, hardware-assisted computer graphics; in particular he is working on interactive global illumination techniques, proceduralmodels for rendering photo-realistic virtual terrains and point-basedrendering. He worked as a freelancer for various (game) companiesprogramming mainly real-time 3D graphics and published some of hiswork at conferences and in books and magazines.

Chris Oat
Chris Oat is a senior software engineer in the 3D Application Research Group at ATI where he explores novel rendering techniques for real-time 3D graphics applications. As the technical lead of ATI's demo team, Chris focuses on shader development for current and future graphics platforms. He has published several articles in the ShaderX and Game Programming Gems series and has presented at game developer conferences around the world.  Chris received a BA in Computer Science from Boston University.

Christian Schüler
Christian Schüler is software engineer at Phenomic Game Development in Ingelheim, Germany, where he is responsible for engine development. He worked on the graphics engine of the game Spellforce 2. Previous projects include engine work for smaller studios and medical visualization. He joined the games industry in 2002.

Chris Wyman
Chris Wyman is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Iowa.  Before joining the faculty at Iowa, he graduated in 2004 with his Ph.D. from the University of Utah.  His interests include real-time rendering, interactive global illumination,
interactive rendering of specular and other complex materials, and perceptually-guided simplification of lighting models.  More information is available at his webpage:

Dan Ginsburg
Dan is a software engineer on the handheld team in the 3D Application Research Group at ATI, where he works on demos and tools for ATI’s handheld graphics chips. Prior to joining the 3DARG, Dan worked on ATI’s OpenGL driver team for over four years. Before joining ATI, Dan worked for n-Space, Inc., an Orlando-based game development company.

David Gilham
David Gilham graduated 2002 from Middlesex University with a 1st class honours degree in computer science, which focused on graphics and games programming. He is a member of Climax Brighton’s Core Technology Group and has recently worked on the debug rendering libraries, water and depth of field HLSL shader effects for MotoGP06 Xbox 360.

David Pangerl
David's addiction to computers and games started early in his life and the vision to create virtual worlds continues to be the strong force in his life. David is a Chief Technology Officer of ZootFly a game development company he founded with two friends in 2002. Currently he works on the next generation game engine. Most of his publications are available at his website<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Erik Millán
Erik Millán is a Ph.D. Student on Computer Sciences at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México. He is completing his thesis on specification and simulation of crowd behavior. He received his master’s degree at the same institution, working on plants modeling based on particle systems. His research interests include crowd simulation, GPGPU, procedural modeling, level of detail techniques and computer vision.

Guodong Rong
Guodong Rong received the B.Eng. degree and the M.Eng. degree, both in computer science, from Shandong University in 2000 and 2003 respectively.
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in School of Computing, University of Singapore. His research interests include computer graphics, virtual reality and visualization. He is currently working on the general-purpose computation on GPUs and real-time soft shadows.

Homam Bahnassi
Homam holds a BC in Engineering Management. Working in the CG industry for nearly a decade he developed pipelines for gaming production at several leading companies, in addition to supervision, special effects development and technical direction of several CG productions. He has many publications and researches in the field of media management, technical directing and special effects development for both real-time and off-line rendering systems. He enjoys the merge of his engineering skills into the CG industry that he always liked.

Isaac Rudomin
Isaac Rudomin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a professor at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México since 1991. He is author of around 50 technical papers. His research interests include human modeling and crowd animation as well as use of graphics processors.

István Lazányi
István Lazányi is a Ph.D. student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since 2003. His research interests include material models, global illumination algorithms, and GPU programming for realistic rendering. 

Joăo Luiz Dihl Comba
Joăo Luiz Dihl Comba received the BS degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, the MS degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the PhD degree in computer science from Stanford University. He is an associate professor of Computer Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. His main research interests are in graphics, visualization, spatial data structures, and applied computational geometry. His current projects include the development of algorithms for large-scale scientific visualization, data structures for point-based modeling and rendering, and general-purpose computing using graphics hardware. He is a member of the ACM Siggraph.

Kim Hyoun Woo
Kim Hyoun Woo started his game development career in 1996. He is currently the manager of the program team on RF-online,  an MMORPG game which was exported over several countries including Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, China and UK and a few others.
Since 2003, he is involed in his spare time in the open source 3D engine project Nebula Device. He wrote the Nebula2 3DSMax Toolkit that was used by several commercial and non-commercial projects.

Kurt Pelzer
Kurt Pelzer is a Software Engineer with over seven years experience in team-oriented projects within the game industry. He has been involved in all stages of development from conceptual and technical design, to implementation, debugging und testing. Currently Kurt works as Senior Software Engineer at Piranha Bytes where he has taken part in the development of the new PC Game Gothic 3 including the next-generation engine Genome. Kurt has also worked on the predecessors Gothic, Gothic II & the add-on Gothic II - The Night of the Raven. Prior he was a Senior Programmer at Codecult, developed Codecult's 3D-Engine Codecreatures and built several real-time simulations and tech-demos on that technology (for example, a simulation of the Shanghai “Transrapid” track for SIEMENS AG, a tech-demo for NVIDIA’s GeForce 4 Ti launch and the well-known Codecreatures Benchmark Pro). Kurt has published in GPU Gems, GPU Gems 2, Game Programming Gems 4, ShaderX 2 and ShaderX 4.

Kristof Beets
Kristof is the 3rd Party Relations Manager for PowerVR within the Business Development Group at Imagination Technologies. Through the PowerVR Insider program he manages technical support and co-marketing activities for the Mobile Graphics Ecosystem. He has a background in Electrical Engineering and received a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence. Prior to joining the Business Development Group he worked on SDKs and Tools for both PC and Mobile products as a member of the PowerVR Developer Relations Team. Previous work has been published in ShaderX2, ARM IQ Magazine and online by 3Dfx Interactive and Beyond3D.

László Szirmay-Kalos
László Szirmay-Kalos is a full professor and the head of the Computer Graphics Group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He was graduated from this university in 1987 and received Ph.D. degree in 1990. He is the author of 150 technical papers and 5 books. His current research interests include global illumination algorithms and the application of the GPU to speed up these methods. 

Luciana Porcher Nedel
Luciana Porcher Nedel received the Ph.D in Computer Science from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Thalmann in 1998. She received the MS degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and the BS degree in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil. In 2005, during a sabbatical year, she spent 2 months at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France and 2 months at Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium doing research on interaction. She is an assistant professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Since 1991 she is involved in computer animation researches and since 1996 she is also doing research in virtual reality. Her current projects include: deformation methods, virtual humans simulation, interactive animation and 3D interaction using virtual reality devices.

Manuel M. Oliveira 
Manuel M. Oliveira received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2000). He is currently a Professor at Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Brazil. Before joining the Faculty at UFRGS, he worked for two years as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His interests include image-based modeling and rendering, real-time rendering, innovative uses of graphics hardware, 3D photography, surface reconstruction from point clouds, medical applications of imaging technologies, and the construction of virtual replicas of real environments. His homepage is

Maicon Brauwers
Maicon Brauwers is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in computer Science at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ( UFRGS ), Brazil.

He has been a game lover since his childhood, and now he is involved in researching new
graphics techniques applied to games. His main interest areas are real-time rendering,

natural phenomena, imaged-based rendering and general-purpose computation on GPUS.

Max Dennis Luesebrink
Currently a student in Cognitive Science focusing on AI. Formerly has been working as a Graphics Programmer at Codecult on the Codecreatures 3D-Engine and several technology demos (Transrapid Simulation for SIEMENS AG, launch demo for the GF4TI release of Nvidia). Also, he has taken part in the development of the engine used for Gothic, Gothic II and the add-on Night of the Raven.

Natalya Tatarchuk
Natalya Tatarchuk is a staff research engineer in the demo group of ATI's 3D Application Research Group, where she likes to push the GPU boundaries investigating innovative graphics techniques and creating striking interactive renderings. Her recent achievements include leading creation of the state-of-the-art realistic rendering of city environments in ATI demo “ToyShop”. In the past she has been the lead for the tools group at ATI Research. She has published articles in technical book series such as ShaderX and Game Programming Gems, and has presented talks at Siggraph and at Game Developers Conferences worldwide. Natalya holds BA's in Computers Science and Mathematics from Boston University and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in CS with a concentration in Graphics at Harvard University.

Pheng Ann Heng
Pheng Ann Heng is a professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In 1999, he set up the CUHK Virtual Reality, Visualization and  Imaging Research Centre and serves as the centre Director since then. He works on  medical imaging, medical visualization, image-based rendering, virtual reality  applications in medicine and interactive graphics. His recent work include GPU accelerated  volume rendering, real-time visualization of Chinese Visible Human (CVH) and  photorealistic virtual anatomy. His research group has also constructed the world first virtual  acupuncture human based on ultra-high resolution CVH data set. He received the "IEEE  Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award 2005" and "Asia Pacific ICT Award 2005".

Rahul Sathe
Rahul Sathe is currently working as Sr. Application Engineer at Intel Corp. and is involved in enabling Intel’s multi-core platforms. He consults various game companies for optimizing their games on Intel hardware. Prior to this, he’s worked in various aspects of CPU architecture and design. He holds a BE degree from Mumbai University (1997) in Electronics Engineering and MS in Computer Engineering from Clemson University (1999) . He has prior publications in computer architecture area. His current interests include graphics, mathematics and computer architecture.

Tamás Umenhoffer
Tamás Umenhoffer is a Ph.D. student in computer graphics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since 2005. His research has focused on real-time animation and rendering of atmospheric phenomena and the application of these effects in games.

Tien-Tsin Wong
Tien-Tsin Wong is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He has been programming for the last 18 years, including writing publicly available codes/libraries/demos/toolkit (check his homepage) and codes for all his graphics research. He works on GPU techniques, rendering, image-based relighting, natural phenomenon modeling, computerized manga, and multimedia
data compression. He is a SIGGRAPH author. He proposed a method to simulate dust accumulation (IEEE CGA 1995) and other surface imperfections (SIGGRAPH 2005). In SIGGRAPH 2006, he proposed a technique on manga colorization. He also proposed, the apparent BRDF, one of the earliest techniques for relighting (precomputed lighting) in 1997. Besides academic papers, he has written game development related articles in "Graphics Gems V", "Graphics Programming Methods", "Shader X3, "Shader X4", and "Shader X5". Recently, he has been working on projects for general purpose usage of GPU, such as
evolutionary computing (such as genetic algorithms) on GPU, and discrete wavelet transform on GPU. He received the "IEEE Transaction on Multimedia Prize Paper Award 2005" and "CUHK Young Researcher Award 2004".

Tiow-Seng Tan
Tiow-Seng Tan graduated with a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1993. By training, he specializes in computational geometry.  He is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His recent research interest is in the area of interactive 3D graphics. His graphics research group has contributed in designing novel algorithms such as simplification, collision detection, occlusion culling, and real-time shadow generation.

Wai-Man Pang
Wai-Man Pang is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). His research interests include image-based relighting, GPU techniques and non-photorealistic rendering. During his Master study, He proposed a vision-based capturing system to acquire relighting data from real environment (IEEE CG&A 2004 May). He loves programming especially vision and graphics applications, and he have explored the GPU programming for several years.

Wessam Bahnassi
Wessam's professional career started about 8 years ago when he started the development of the real-time 3D engine “DirectSkeleton” and its pipeline tools for In|Framez. He led the development team for several games and real-time demos based on the same engine in addition to his many contributions and publications in graphics and programming in general. Wessam has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for DirectX technologies for 4 years and until now. Currently, he works at Electronics Arts Montreal, doing console and PC graphics and game programming for some of EA's great titles.

Wolfgang Engel
Wolfgang is a Senior Graphics Programmer in the core technology group at Rockstar San Diego. He is the editor of the ShaderX book series and the author of Programming Vertex and Pixel Shaders. Wolfgang is a frequent speaker on conferences world-wide and publishes articles on several websites. Since July 2006 he is a Microsoft MVP DirectX.

© 2001 - 2006 Wolfgang Engel, Carlsbad, CA, USA